They are held throughout our city, weekly, for the purpose of helping people become KNOWN by God and KNOWN by others in community. God created us to be relational with others, to do life with others, connect, have fun, help each other, and grow in our relationship with Jesus side by side.
Each week, KNOWN Communities gather for an hour and a half and include RHYTHMS of worship, Bible based teaching, reflection together, and prayer for you to engage in as a community. Weekly KNOWN communities are available for adults, youth, and kids.
KNOWN Communities (I promise) will grow your personal faith, connect you with others that will become family, and give amazing opportunity for you to invite people to become KNOWN by God.
These will be our weekly elements that develop habits, belonging, growth and more
WORSHIP –This is an opportunity to voice our praise, thanks and desire for our Lord. Giving us an opportunity to remove the clutter from our minds and opens the door for us to have time with our Father in his house.
BIBLE BASED PREACHING AND TEACHING – God wants us to hear his voice and grow in our knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of Him. Hearing Gods heart, love, desires, will, and instruction grows our relationship. This is an opportunity to listen to what God has to say to us.
REFLECTION – This is a moment to talk with those you’re in community, about what God spoke to you about, as you listened to His message. A chance to ask questions, provide further incite, show vulnerability/transparency, confess sin and so much more. It’s growth together!
BREAKING OF BREAD – Food brings people together, bonds them in a shared experience. It’s a good conversation starter, can comfort, provide warmth and changes the mood.
PRAYER – The conversation with God is so important and is a requirement. We need to have a moment in community to thank Him, praise Him, request from Him, commit things to Him and communicate our hearts.
KIDS – Our kids are special and not meant to just be baby-sat. We have a responsibility to lead our kids to be KNOWN in relationship with God as well. That’s why our Communities will intentionally care and provide teaching/growth for kids.
HOSPITALITY – Create an environment of a welcoming relational hospitality. It’s about the people, to welcome them into our homes, to care for their hearts and serve the guest.
INVITATION – Jesus commanded his followers to “go” and make disciples, go and introduce Jesus to others. People will be unknown (lost, hurt, and doomed to hell) unless we invite them into our communities and help them recognize Jesus Christ and belong to His body